Friday, March 7, 2008

On the Brink of Ethnic Cleansing in Cameroon...

By Innocent Chia
Even as the Sorcerer-In-Chief of La Republique du Cameroun, Paul Biya is seeking atonement from his fractured and bleeding nation for showcasing his unstated inability to be a leader in crisis, such as the recent conflagrations that besieged the country for a week beginning February 24, "elite" of the Mfoundi Division in Yaounde are thirsting for the blood of Biya non-conformists residing in Yaounde. In a statement issued February 29th and published in the official gazette, Cameroon Tribune of March 3rd, the over 30 signatories to the ethnic-cleansing-type piece are calling on "...forces of destruction from wherever, to immediately leave our land because it is no longer secure for them".

Something else that the statement does not shy away from is its admission that for once Yaounde came to a screeching halt as a result of the strike action. Thus, it states that "Neither we, nor our children, will again be compelled to trek, after sacrificing so much to acquire the means of movement in relative comfort". If nothing, this speaks to the core of what is crippling Cameroun and hampering it from changing from within: it is all about the personal comforts of a few while the masses can rot in hell, after dying from the filth of the reeking garbage on the street corners.

The Yaounde person is notoriously famous for his chop-broke-pot attitude. This is highlighted in the statement undergirding the fact that the route to any revolution involving the Yaounde man has to go through cutting of any food supplies. Again, the statement says "We will not accept to be hungry or thirsty, as our markets are overflowing with foodstuff and our sisters have bountiful harvests from their labour, but lack the means to transport them or for fear of looters."

Whether or not there is any correlation between this statement and police and army warrant-less break-ins, brutality and detentions in overcrowded and sub-human cells across the nation is anyone's guess. It is also any body's guess whether it is the dire situation that has urged Biya to have a rare meeting with his Rosicrucian cabinet. It is difficult to clap for a 20 percent salary increase given the 1992 slash of 75% and a further devaluation of the Franc by 50%. It represents nothing but a poor attempt at covering up for the bottled-up frustrations of the people. The Sorcerer-in-Chief is yet to tell people how he unilaterally decided to cut back the prices of gas and kerosene on the heels of the strike. It either mirrors how his lack of accountability has plunged the country chin-deep into economic and political dungeons or; it says that he is just a toy in the hands of some other powers that call the shots for Cameroun.

Please read the translated version of the speech, courtesy of The Post newspaper on

Innocent Chia
Citizen Jounalist

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