Tuesday, March 11, 2008


By Valentine Gana

History has called us towards a rendezvous with fate. Cameroon is in dire straits and has been heading towards this high ridge of anarchy for over a decade. Paul Biya and his corrupt junta, steeped in unchecked thievery, insist through their actions on plunging Cameroon into this looming valley of doom. To avert Cameroon's unholy procession towards a carnage of "All Against ALL", the time to act is NOW!!. The demonstrations in Washington DC, being called by well meaning Cameroonian groups in the USA and around the world, are a Golden opportunity by Cameroonians to bring international pressure as well as galvanize domestic resolve towards averting a catastrophe in Cameroon. The participation by each one of us towards unseating this curse of dictatorship, occultism, oppression, corruption and injustice that has plagued Cameroon for about 50 years is the call of a generation. Our roads are in shambles, incomes trigger the misery index, bribery has been turned into a culture, our will at the ballot box is being repeatedly and arrogantly stolen, our friends are in jail without trial, our brethren are dying at the hands of ruthless oppressors. How much can we take? Every generation MUST, out of relative obscurity, DISCOVER its mission; FULFILL it or betray it. At this critical moment, will you help Cameroon's fists of freedom fulfill this mission?

Eighteen years ago, Liberians, Zairians, Sierra Leoneans, Ivorians, Nigerians, Ghanaians, Senegalese, Botswanans, Tanzanians, Kenyans and Cameroonians looked at Ethiopia and Somalia, engulfed in civil wars and shrug our shoulders saying, "That cannot be us". All of these countries amongst others who shrug their shoulders were living under dictatorships saddled by complacency and weak or absent constitutional systems. It wasn't long before Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zaire (DRC) went into a quagmire of blood letting civil turmoil. Again Ivorians, Nigerians, Ghanaians, Senegalese, Botswanans, Tanzanians, Kenyans and Cameroonians amongst others shrug their shoulders saying, "That cannot be us".

Within the last five years, we've witnessed Ivory Coast and Kenya descend into a killing inferno that none of us would wish unto Cameroon. The Nigerians, Ghanaians, Senegalese, Botswanans, Malians, Namibians, Malawians, Tanzanians amongst others, have made sacrifices over the last ten years to shape democratic structures with constitutions that distribute power between the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature. Can that be said of Cameroon? Can that sacrifice to avert the looming carnage in Cameroon be said of you? Is the slogan "YES, WE CAN" just a feel good sound bite? While these Democratic African countries are taking steps towards making their constitutions more robust and fail proof, Paul Biya and his clique of high noon thieves insist on looking at Cameroon through the lenses of nepotism, tribalism, and imposed misery even at the cost of anarchy.

History teaches us that the weak will let destiny control them. History teaches us that most would become wise only when they have exhausted all other options. In Ivory Coast, Kenya, Somalia, Chad, Ethiopia, Zaire, Sierra Leone, Liberia etc, that exhaustive lesson came through limbs of children being butchered, brutal rapes and merciless mutilations of diverse sorts, parents forced to rape their own children and vice versa, killings turned into ends in and of themselves, displaced peoples, families eliminated, whole towns and villages burnt to the ground including other atrocities which we would wish not unto our imaginations. Our silence and inaction will no doubt become our complicity in guaranteeing that Cameroon continues towards this end. That is why it is very IMPORTANT for US ALL to make our voices heard. A demonstration has been called on March 14th in Washington D.C. Tell your mothers, sisters, brothers, cousins, relatives and friends in Cameroon that you wish not for the worst upon them by SHOWING UP. If you can't make it, call a friend or relative and nudge them to be there. Take a day off work and let your actions speak loud and clear. In addition, forward the pictures of the recent carnage in Cameroon to your pastors, churches, civic groups and well meaning connections.

March 14th is the Day. Will you contribute towards Cameroon's freedom? Paul Biya, a fraud with blood all over his hands who has been in power for over 25 years, insists on his demonic wish to impoverish a good natured people. What will your response be?

On January 3rd 2008 in Cameroon, I met with Mr. Simon Nkwenti, President of the Cameroon Teachers Trade Union (CATTU). His resolve within the Civil Society to stop this aberration and naked play for oppressive power through a Constitutional Amendment was so strong, so unmistaken, so guided. Demonstrating in the West for this JUST and RIGHTEOUS CAUSE to end this demonic regime will only pack a punch to their actions. They are putting their lives on the line. WILL YOU ASSIST THEM?

May God Bless Our Efforts In Shaping Our Collective Destiny.

Valentine A. Gana
Kansas, USA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know Mr. Gana, people like you give me plenty of hope about Cameroon, especially in the face of so much misery. The will of the people will prevail in the face of such evil called Biya, history tells us. I assure you that we've all heard your voice, and all over the world your call will be answered for us all to come out and stop this catastrophe from happening now through March 14th and beyond.

Dr. King once said 'if there's nothing for which you are prepared to die, then you don't deserve to live' This is it for you and I, and I for damn sure hope it is for all paysans at home and abroad. Thank you sir.