Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Poll Results

By Hinsley Njila & Innocent Chia.
Innocentsdeal is the place where YOUR vote as well as voice will ALWAYS count. It is our commitment to you.

Four of our polls just ended, and here’s an overview of what your collective opinions were.

When asked how you felt about the future of Cameroon, 50% of you thought it was Absolutely hopeless, 27% thought it was not hopeful at all, while 22% of you who responded thought there was something to be hopeful about.

We also did ask you if Biya should change the constitution and stay in power for life. An overwhelming 88% of you who responded gave an emphatic HELL NO his time was up. 4% of the people don’t care what happens, 4% don’t know enough to have an opinion, while 4% of those we can only assume to be Biya’s family members said they wanted him to go on for life…and guess what…Biya’s family members won because the moribund parliament endorsed Biya’s monarchy. A sackcloth day indeed!

On the question of what action you’ll be taking to help stop Biya from extending his reign over the people of Cameroon beyond 2011, 50% of you said you’d be calling/writing your congressman/MP, 25% of you just can’t wait to find a rally so you can get your voices heard, while 25% of you said you were too chicken to do anything and would be staying as silent as possible.

In keeping with the times, after the campus shootings at Northern Illinois University, we did ask you how such shootings can be prevented. 50% of you said installing metal detectors on campus will do the trick. 31% of you went even further by saying that gun ownership was the problem and needed to be limited. 18% thought it was a mental health issue and that more patients needed to be identified and helped on campus. 18% of respondents would vote for an outright ban of gun ownership, and 6% of you said shootings would be prevented if students wore bullet proof vests on campus.

Thank you very much for voting, and please do vote often to get your voices heard on the issues you care about the most.
Hinsley Njila &
Innocent Chia

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